Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Cucumber Observation #11

After the weekend we came to class and noticed that our cucumber plant's vines are now wrapping themselves around the chain on the light. There are also more flowers blooming and the plant stems are growing more and more.

Height of stem: 42cms
Moisture: wet (9)

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Cucumber Observation #10

Today we checked on our cucumber plant and noticed that the stems now have vines and there is also yellow flowers blooming on them.

Moisture before watering: wet (10)
Moisture after watering: did  not water
Light intensity: 600
Height of stem: 30 cms

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Cucumber observation #9

A few days ago we transplanted our cucumbers into a new dish and we noticed that the one we put into the new dish is wilting and looks like it is dieing.

Moisture before watering: dry (2)
Moisture after watering: wet (10)

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Cucumber Observation #8

We transplanted our cucumber plants into separate dishes the other day we noticed that they are absorbing a lot more water now.

Moisture before watering: (green dish)- (8). (Brown dish)- (2) dry
Moisture after watering: (green dish)- (10)wet. (Brown dish)- (10) wet
Stem height: 12 cms

Friday, 24 April 2015

Cucumber Observation #7

April 24th we came to class abd checkon our cucumber plant. We noticed that from the last time when the stems were thicker that this time they are starting to get root hairs. Also the leaves are getting bigger and fuller.

Moisture before watering: wet (7)
Moisture after Watering: wet (10)

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Cucumber Observation#6

Today when we came to class abd checked on our cucumber plant we were syrprised to see that all the leaves got a lot bigger in size and the stems were thicker. Also thrre is now five leaves on each stem.

Moisture before watering: moist (6)
Moisture after watering: wet(10)
Height of stem: 10cms
Light intensity: 500

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Cucumber Observation#5

Today on April 16th we came in to check on our cucumber plant and it has one more new leaf on each stem and also the third leaf that grown got bigger in size. The two bew leafs on each stem look different then the first leaves we got. Also we noticed in the middle of the leaves on the stem there are flowers starting to bud.

Moisture level before: (5)
Moisture level after: (10) wet